Fetches Tweet objects from twitter.com based on the parameters that you specify for your search
Currently, this is the number of tweets per page of results
Retrieves all tweets from the passed in username. An array of Tweet objects is returned.
username - Twitter username to search from. No @ symbol is necessary.
number_of_pages - By default, only up to 20 tweets (first page) will be returned. Specify more than one page here if you want more than 20. Note that each page is a separate HTTP request, so the higher the number of pages, the longer the operation will take.
fetch_location_info - By default, the location info will not be included, because to retrieve location info takes another HTTP request which can slow things down. If you want location set this to true
# File lib/twitterscour.rb, line 26 def self.from_user(username, number_of_pages=1, fetch_location_info=false) http_options = {:headers => {"User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20111107 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.24"}} rsp = HTTParty.get("http://mobile.twitter.com/#{username.gsub(/@/, "")}", http_options) raise Exception.new("Error code returned from Twitter - #{rsp.code}") if rsp.code != 200 locations = {} cur_page = 1 tweets = [] tweets_html = rsp.body pagination_html = rsp.body main_page = Nokogiri::HTML(rsp.body) while rsp.code == 200 page_body = Nokogiri::HTML(tweets_html) new_tweets = page_body.css('div.list-tweet').collect do |tw| t = Tweet.new links = tw.css("strong a") t.author_name = links[0].text t.text = tw.css("span.status").text imgs = tw.css("img.list-tweet-img") t.author_pic = imgs[0][:src] # For some reason, time isn't in quotes in the JSON string which causes problems #t.time = Time.parse(tw.css("span.js-tweet-timestamp")[0][:"data-time"]) time_text = tw.css("a.status_link").text if time_text =~ /(about )?(\d+) (minute(s?)|hour(s?)|day(s?)) ago.*/ num = $2.to_i if $3.include?("hour") num *= 60 elsif $3.include?("day") num *= 1440 end num *= 60 # 60 seconds in a minute t.time = Time.now - num end if fetch_location_info && tw.css("img.geo-icon").length > 0 link = tw.css("a.status_link")[0][:href] detailed_result = HTTParty.get("http://mobile.twitter.com#{link}") if detailed_result && detailed_result.code == 200 && detailed_result.body page = Nokogiri::HTML(detailed_result.body) tweet = page.css("div#tweets-list")[0] imgs = tweet.css("img") map = imgs.find {|i| i[:src] =~ /maps\.google\.com/} if map if map[:src] =~ /.*\|(\-?\d+\.?\d*),(\-?\d+\.?\d*).*/ loc = TweetLocation.new loc.center = [$2.to_f, $1.to_f] t.location = loc end end end end t end tweets = tweets.concat(new_tweets) cur_page += 1 if new_tweets.length == TWEETS_PER_PAGE && cur_page <= number_of_pages pagination = Nokogiri::HTML(pagination_html) next_link = pagination.css("a#more_link").first[:href] rsp = HTTParty.get("http://mobile.twitter.com/#{next_link}", http_options) pagination_html = rsp.body tweets_html = rsp.body else break end end tweets end
Returns the most recent tweets that contain the search term passed in. An array of Tweet objects is returned.
search_term - The term to search for. For a hashtag search, just pass in the whole search including the hash symbol.
number_of_pages - By default, only up to 15 tweets (first page) will be returned. Specify more than one page here if you want more than 15. Note that each page is a separate HTTP request, so the higher the number of pages, the longer the operation will take.
Note that tweets from a search will not have a full location. If a location was attached, the center coordinates will be returned but no name or polygon
# File lib/twitterscour.rb, line 106 def self.search_term(search_term, number_of_pages=1) term = CGI.escape(search_term) url_base = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json" url = url_base + "?q=#{CGI.escape(search_term)}" rsp = HTTParty.get(url, :format => :json) raise Exception.new("Rate limit exceeded, slow down") if rsp.code == 420 raise Exception.new("Error code returned from Twitter - #{rsp.code}") if rsp.code != 200 cur_page = 1 tweets = [] tweets_html = "" results_per_page = 15 while rsp.code == 200 obj = JSON.parse(rsp.body) if (obj["error"]) raise Exception.new("Got error from Twitter - " + obj["error"]) end if obj["results_per_page"] results_per_page = obj["results_per_page"] end new_tweets = [] obj["results"].each do |o| t = Tweet.new t.author_name = o["from_user"] t.author_pic = o["profile_image_url"] t.time = Time.parse(o["created_at"]) t.text = o["text"] if o["geo"] if o["geo"]["type"] == "Point" loc = TweetLocation.new loc.center = [o["geo"]["coordinates"][1], o["geo"]["coordinates"][0]] t.location = loc end end new_tweets << t end tweets = tweets.concat(new_tweets) cur_page += 1 if new_tweets.length == results_per_page && cur_page <= number_of_pages url = url_base + obj["next_page"] rsp = HTTParty.get(url, :format => :json) else break end end tweets end
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